宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图
宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图
宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图
宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图
宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图
宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图
宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图
宝可梦 明亮珍珠 Pokémon Shining Pearl截图


[---Item Codes---]
[Items x999]
[Items x999 (off)]
[Items Never Decrease (on)]
[Items Never Decrease (off)]
[Item ++ (On)]
[Item ++ (Off)]
[Infinite Money 1.2.0]
[Infinite Money Off 1.2.0]
[500x All Balls 1.2.0]
[500x All Berries 1.2.0]
[500x Dream Ball 1.2.0]
[500x Beast Ball 1.2.0]
[999x Rare Candy 1.2.0]
[---FPS Codes---]
[60 FPS]
[30 FPS]
[---Wild Modifier---]
[Ignore Evolution Conditions]
[Ignore Evolution Conditions (Off)]
[100% Catch Rate ON]
[100% Catch Rate OFF]
[Catch Trainer Pokemon v1.2.0 (On)]
[Catch Trainer Pokemon v1.2.0 (Off)]
[Always Critical Catch (On)]
[Always Critical Catch (Off)]
[Shiny Pokemon (HOLD L) 1.2.0]
[Encounter Off (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter On (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Male (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Female (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Genderless (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Lv 1 (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Lv 50 (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Lv 100 (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter #490 Manaphy]
[Encounter #493 Arceus]
[Enable Spiritomb Tower (On)]
[Enable Spiritomb Tower (Off)]
[BP No Decrease (On) 1.2.0]
[BP No Decrease (Off) 1.2.0]
[Unlock Fly Ability]
[Unlock Fly Ability (off)]
[Allow following pokemon from the start of the game (v1.2.0)]
[Allow following pokemon anywhere (v1.2.0)]
[Inf Safari Steps]
[Inf Safari Steps (Off)]
[Inf Safari Balls]
[Inf Safari Balls (Off)]
[Teach Any TM (on) - 1.2.0]
[Teach Any TM (off) - 1.2.0]
[Fly Anywhere (on) - 1.2.0]
[Fly Anywhere (off) - 1.2.0]
[Inf Chain (On)]
[Inf Chain (Off)]
[Inf VS Seeker Energy 1.2.0]
[Inf Pokeradar Energy 1.2.0]
[All Berry trees 10 Harvestable 1.2.0]
[Contest Auto Win (On)]
[Contest Auto Win (Off)]
[Contest Auto Star (On)]
[Contest Auto Star (Off)]
[Inf Repel (On)]
[Inf Repel (Off)]
[PP wont decrease (On)(v1.2.0)]
[PP wont decrease (Off)(v1.2.0)]
[Disable affection mechanics in battle (ON) (v1.2.0)]
[Disable affection mechanics in battle (OFF) (v1.2.0)]
[x2 Player Speed (HOLD B) 1.2.0]
[Walk Through Walls (Hold L) (v1.2.0)]
[---Underground Codes---]
[Unlimited Digging (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Unlimited Digging (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[Instant 40 Lightstones (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Instant 40 Lightstones (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[Inf Lightstone Timer (On)]
[Inf Lightstone Timer (Off)]
[All Dig Spots (On)]
[All Dig Spots (Off)]
[Instant Finish Dig (Off)]
[---Breeding Codes---]
[Instant Egg Hatch (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Instant Egg Hatch (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[Egg inherits 6IV from parents (On)]
[Egg inherits 6IV from parents (Off)]
[Nursery Instant Egg]
[Nursery Instant Egg (Off)]
[Allow Pokeball Inheriting from Ditto (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Allow Pokeball Inheriting from Ditto (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[---Stat/Nature Codes---]

