[---Item Codes---]
[Items x999]
[Items x999 (off)]
[Items Never Decrease (on)]
[Items Never Decrease (off)]
[Item ++ (On)]
[Item ++ (Off)]
[Infinite Money 1.2.0]
[Infinite Money Off 1.2.0]
[500x All Balls 1.2.0]
[500x All Berries 1.2.0]
[500x Dream Ball 1.2.0]
[500x Beast Ball 1.2.0]
[999x Rare Candy 1.2.0]
[---FPS Codes---]
[60 FPS]
[30 FPS]
[---Wild Modifier---]
[Ignore Evolution Conditions]
[Ignore Evolution Conditions (Off)]
[100% Catch Rate ON]
[100% Catch Rate OFF]
[Catch Trainer Pokemon v1.2.0 (On)]
[Catch Trainer Pokemon v1.2.0 (Off)]
[Always Critical Catch (On)]
[Always Critical Catch (Off)]
[Shiny Pokemon (HOLD L) 1.2.0]
[Encounter Off (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter On (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Male (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Female (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Genderless (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Lv 1 (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Lv 50 (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter Lv 100 (v1.2.0)]
[Encounter #490 Manaphy]
[Encounter #493 Arceus]
[Enable Spiritomb Tower (On)]
[Enable Spiritomb Tower (Off)]
[BP No Decrease (On) 1.2.0]
[BP No Decrease (Off) 1.2.0]
[Unlock Fly Ability]
[Unlock Fly Ability (off)]
[Allow following pokemon from the start of the game (v1.2.0)]
[Allow following pokemon anywhere (v1.2.0)]
[Inf Safari Steps]
[Inf Safari Steps (Off)]
[Inf Safari Balls]
[Inf Safari Balls (Off)]
[Teach Any TM (on) - 1.2.0]
[Teach Any TM (off) - 1.2.0]
[Fly Anywhere (on) - 1.2.0]
[Fly Anywhere (off) - 1.2.0]
[Inf Chain (On)]
[Inf Chain (Off)]
[Inf VS Seeker Energy 1.2.0]
[Inf Pokeradar Energy 1.2.0]
[All Berry trees 10 Harvestable 1.2.0]
[Contest Auto Win (On)]
[Contest Auto Win (Off)]
[Contest Auto Star (On)]
[Contest Auto Star (Off)]
[Inf Repel (On)]
[Inf Repel (Off)]
[PP wont decrease (On)(v1.2.0)]
[PP wont decrease (Off)(v1.2.0)]
[Disable affection mechanics in battle (ON) (v1.2.0)]
[Disable affection mechanics in battle (OFF) (v1.2.0)]
[x2 Player Speed (HOLD B) 1.2.0]
[Walk Through Walls (Hold L) (v1.2.0)]
[---Underground Codes---]
[Unlimited Digging (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Unlimited Digging (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[Instant 40 Lightstones (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Instant 40 Lightstones (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[Inf Lightstone Timer (On)]
[Inf Lightstone Timer (Off)]
[All Dig Spots (On)]
[All Dig Spots (Off)]
[Instant Finish Dig (Off)]
[---Breeding Codes---]
[Instant Egg Hatch (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Instant Egg Hatch (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[Egg inherits 6IV from parents (On)]
[Egg inherits 6IV from parents (Off)]
[Nursery Instant Egg]
[Nursery Instant Egg (Off)]
[Allow Pokeball Inheriting from Ditto (v1.2.0) (On)]
[Allow Pokeball Inheriting from Ditto (v1.2.0) (Off)]
[---Stat/Nature Codes---]