A new dreamy shoot 'em up game!
Play through the game's unique combination of cute, colorful,whimsical visuals and bullet hell action。
What is Cosmo Dreamer?
dreamy pop-art shooting game. A young girl sets off on A journey across the universe driven bypure curiosity. Venture on as you face various hurdles, fierce foes, new friendsand difficult goodbyes. Just what sort of dazzling sights will you set your eyes on in this game?
No need to be shy in this shooting game. The game is perfectly balanced so that everyone fromabsolute beginner to专业essional sniper can join in the fun。
game features:
·Customize the main character's skills to play to your liking。
total combinations…or even more?!
·Play three different difficulty levels depending on your skill。
Those who are really skilled can take on a fourth level。
·When you complete a stage,the next stage will be unlocked. Make your way through all the stages little by little。
·The hidden Trial Mode allows you to play with old-school arcade rules。
·This game is based on a ""Dream Level"" offense and defense system。
·Level up your Dream Gauge by collecting items。
·Use Dream Level to activate your ultra-special Dream Magic move. You can also Use Dream Level tocancel out any mistakes。
·Get illustrations added to the Gallery as you make your way through the game. you may even Get abetter picture of what this game world is like!
·Features a 40-achievement system. Do you have what it takes to earn them all?